Heatherlands Medical Centre

New Hey Road, Woodchurch CH49 9DA
Tel: 0151 677 2172 Fax: 0151 678 1242

Patient National Survey Results 2022


Every year, patients nationwide are sent out a Patient Satisfaction Survey by NHS England. This is usually in the Spring and the results are published in the Summer.
We would like to share our results for 2022:-
An online version of the survey can be found online at GP Patient Survey https://gp-patient.co.uk/

For overall experience National Average = 72%
Heatherlands scored 87%

Appointment Experience National Average = 83%
Heatherlands Scored 94%

Accessing the Practice National Average = 56%
Heatherlands Scored 79%

Surveys are sent to patients who are randomly selected from our patient list by NHS England. They roughly send surveys to 5% of our patient population. This year, that equated to 477 patients who were sent the survey. This can be completed in paper form or by accessing the questions online. Once returned, the feedback is collated and the results for each practice nationally are produced. Our completion rate was 24% meaning 114 patients returned completed surveys.

We are very grateful for all the feedback we receive as this allows us to look at ways we can improve the services we offer to benefit our patients. Feedback can be left in various ways thorough the year, not just via the GP Patient National Survey. You can also leave feedback via our Website, Google review, Friends and Family and NHS Choices.
Your feedback is shared in weekly & monthly meetings with all practice staff. As a Practice we recognise that there is always room for improvement and sharing your feedback both positive and negative allows every member of the team to make suggestions on how we can make changes and gives recognition to staff members that go above and beyond.

A Thank you from Heatherlands
2021 National Figures placed Heatherlands Medical Centre 4,480 in the Country out of 6,658.
2022 National Figures placed Heatherlands Medical Centre 1,165 in the Country out of 6,418.

2021 Local Figures placed Heatherlands Medical Centre 35th out of 47 Practices on the Wirral.
2022 Local Figures placed Heatherlands Medical Centre 13th out of 47 Practices on the Wirral.

We appreciate your ongoing support over the past few years during unprecedented times. We look forward to continuing to serve our patients and local community for the foreseeable future.

GP Patient Survey (gp-patient.co.uk)
Heatherlands Medical Centre
GP services – NHS (www.nhs.uk)