Heatherlands Medical Centre

New Hey Road, Woodchurch CH49 9DA
Tel: 0151 677 2172 Fax: 0151 678 1242

Practice Closure

We are closed on Wednesday 7th February between 1:00pm – 6:30pm for Staff Protected Learning. During these hours, NHS out of hours will be providing medical cover for all GP Practices. If you require medical assistance, please contact NHS 111. In cases of emergency, please contact 999.

If you are expecting medication, please ensure this is collected before we close at 1pm.

We will re-open at 8:30am on Thursday 8th February.

Thank you

Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First launched on 31st January 2024. The service offers treatment for 7 conditions:-

Please consider contacting Pharmacy First for treatment before contacting your GP as you may be offered treatment sooner.

Increasing cases of Measles

With cases of measles increasing across the UK, please follow NHS advice if you suspect your child might have measles by visiting:-

Measles – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.


The Practice will be closed from 1pm on Wednesday 22nd November for protected learning. We will reopen at 8:30am on Thursday 23rd November.

Please make sure you submit any prescription requests early to avoid disappointment.

If you require GP assistance whilst we are closed, please contact NHS 111. In cases of emergency, please call 999.

Thank you Team and Counsellor

It’s always lovely to receive feedback from our patients and hear the positive ways the work we do impacts their lives. Here is some feedback we have received from a patient who has been working with our in-house Counsellor Marissa.

Employee of the Month

Since May, we have been recognising the hard work our staff do by nominating an Employee of the Month. Nominations are made by colleagues and also patients. Employees who have received the award so far are:-

MAY:     Laura  – Receptionist

JUNE:   Ruth – Receptionist

JULY:     Nurse Oriel

AUGUST:  Mandy  – Secretary

SEPTEMEBER:  Helen – Receptionist

OCTOBER:   Nurse Natalie  



Well done to everyone who has received the award so far!

To nominate a member of our team, please email [email protected]