In October 2020, the NHS published the delivering a net zero NHS report which set ambitions on reaching net zero for emissions controlled directly by the NHS by 2040. This 10-point plan has been developed by the Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Here are some of the ways staff at Heatherlands have begun to reduce our carbon footprint and help towards 10-point plan:-
- We have in internal system for recycling our waste. Recycling is taken to a local recycling centre fortnightly.
- We recycle: Batteries, Lightbulbs, Toners and Computer equipment at appropriate recycling venues
- Reduction of paper waste by approx. 50% by introducing dual monitors therefore reducing the need to print off paper.
- Introducing a new system of storing internal policies and procedures electronically reducing paper wastage, toner usage and electricity.
- During the summer months, internal lights are turned off to reduce electricity wastage.
- We have found that purchasing our cleaning supplies in larger quantities has reduced plastic waste.
- Taking part in the NHS August Step Challenge has encouraged staff to walk to work. Staff are also walking during their lunch breaks.
- We have regular medication audits and encourage medication reviews with patient. This reduces medication wastage and over prescribing. We encourage patients that no longer require parts of their prescription to let us know. Any unwanted/unused medications should be returned to the pharmacy for safe disposal.
We would like to encourage our Respiratory Patients to return used inhalers to the Pharmacy to be recycled therefore reducing waste.
Ideas to improve on the Practice Carbon Footprint are welcomed