Covid Passes are not issued by your GP Practice. Instead, you need to apply in advance of travelling to NHS.UK
You can download your NHS COVID Pass, print it, have it sent to you in an email or show it on your smartphone if you have one.
To get your NHS COVID Pass online or through the NHS App, you’ll be asked to create an NHS login if you do not have one already.
You can also request an NHS COVID Pass online to be emailed to you without having to create an NHS login. You can request this for yourself, or a child ages 5 years and over if you are their parent or guardian.
If you are over the age of 13, you can apply by downloading the app and your pass will be sent to you directly. For children, an adult with parental responsibility will need to apply for an email pass which could take up to 7 days to arrive.
For further advice, please visit the website where you will find all the links to the app.