The Practice Staff at Heatherlands Medical Centre decided to take part in this year’s step challenge organised by Fiona Hanik, Health Development Officer at Wirral Council. Our main reason for taking part was to have fun and enjoy a bit of friendly workplace competition whilst increasing our fitness and activity. We entered 2 teams, the Pink Heather’s and the Blue Heather’s both consisting of a mix of GP’s, Nursing staff and Admin Staff. We had 2 WhatsApp Groups which allowed both teams to provide support and encouragement as well as for logging daily steps (or in my case, being told by my team to get more steps in before midnight!).
Both teams were thoroughly engaged throughout the whole competition. Steps were being logged by staff even when they were on holiday, from as far away as New York!
At times, Pink and Blue team were neck and neck which gave an added excitement within the surgery. Team members would be marching or pacing round the practice in order to increase their steps, we found people randomly standing up in team meetings to get more steps in and offers to do the tea round definitely increased!
Even though we entered 2 teams into the competition, it was the practice staff overall who benefited from this challenge. This reinforced workplace friendships and improved moral, fitness levels increased, and some members reported they lost weight.
Fiona has kindly offered to donate left over pedometers from the challenge to any patients who would like to increase their activity and improve their fitness. To request a pedometer, please email [email protected].
Thank you to Fiona for arranging this event and well done to everyone who took part! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
All staff at Heatherlands