We understand the idea of visiting your GP for your routine smear is not always something that’s top of a woman’s priority list for many reasons. This could be your first smear and you are unsure what to expect? For some women they worry about the procedure being painful and/or embarrassing and for others, you may not be able to attend at the times offered due to work commitments or childcare issues.
Staff at the practice have arranged a late afternoon/evening clinic to take place on Thursday 26th January between 5pm and 7pm. There will be 2 female nurses available and members of the support team to carry out smears for those who would like to attend or, for those women who would like a bit more information or support, we are here to help.
Please drop in ion the evening or give us a call prior to book in. We hope to see you.
For more information please visit. www.jostrust.org.uk